Saturday, February 5, 2011


I have had all kinds of good intentions to come and blog about the little things that have been happening but as you can see good intention count for nothing :)

So here I am all set to do a quick update, and try to make my stupid pregnant brain think of some of the things I have wanted to say lately

okay firstly, the decluttering has hit a bit of a standstill i think the only things I have to add to my previous list was - 1 pair of jeans re purposed into 4 patchwork cushions and a bag thing for me to put all my unfinished/mending jobs, and 6 books - taking the total number of items decluttered to 60 - not too bad, I think I am pretty much staying on target :)

I have also spent some time thinking lately about things I would like to learn this year and I do have a little list

 - make my own soap
 - basic quilting
 - magic loop method of knitting
 - shirring
 - make my own cheese
 - improve my non-existent gardening skills

I think that that is really enough for 1 year, and I do really hope to achieve all of that, especially since I will be having 4 months off work (hopefully longer), admittedly it will involve mainly caring for a newborn but no work = more time in my book anyway :)

and my last piece of happy news is that I have bought myself a kindle ( ereader from Amazon) and am waiting patiently for it to arrive - should be this week. So I hope to read lots of things, especially about those things on my learning list. Yes I could buy the books and read them but I rarely go shopping for anything other than food for one and for 2 I can't justify the cost of books to very often read once only, not only the environmental impact of printing books etc.

And now to the unhappy things - I am definitely too old for this pregnancy thing, in all 5 of my previous pregnancies I have literally breezed through them with barely an ache or pain, this time however is vastly different - my hips, pelvis and back ache constantly and I am forever tired and unhappy - I feel like I never stop whinging (and I am sure my family feel that too), Yes Yes I know i am still doing it pretty easy compared to some, I don't want to sound ungrateful but this is unchartered territory for me.

This last thought is a biggy - not even sure I can write it down adequately. I am feeling like I have made a mistake with my life. I think I maybe have too many children that I am not doing a good job of parenting, I am not giving them all that they need and want from me and now with another on the way, its only going to get worse. I have a difficult husband ( to put it nicely) who is little to no help a lot of the time and most days leaves me wondering why he wanted children at all. And that's all I am going to say right now, I can't pour my feelings out for one reason or another so will just leave it there for now. I am sure I will be back to examine this topic another time.

oh and a final thing January RAOK - tick that one off :)