Thursday, January 13, 2011

no words.......

I can't express how I am feeling about the terrible tragedy that is/has unfolded in QLD in the last 2 weeks or so. This week the unthinkable happened Toowoomba - yes the same Toowoomba 2000 feet above sea level flooded - don't ask me how I do not know. I will never comprehend the things I saw that day - the much published description of inland tsnumai was very very accurate. The worst thing is we were the lucky ones up here, yes there was some heartbreaking loss of life but the real hit was taken by the towns at the base of the range and lockyer valley - what they have endured is just devastating and honestly if it was me I do not know how I would move on from that.
These communities had no warning unlike Brisbane and Ipswich who had days to prepare themselves, these people were swept away in the blink of an eye with not a seconds notice, how is that right, fair or just. I do not know.
The aftermath of the Toowoomba flood ( and many other areas from what I understand) is ridiculous panic buying, people taking everything insight from the supermarket shelves, we had no need or desire to go to the shops, we were confident the roads would be open within a week and guess what, when we did venture out today - 5 days later there was milk and bread in the shop - very limited and god forbid I wanted pasta or butter or the like, but supplies were there. I did buy some milk cos this big fat pregnant woman has the worst craving for milk ( we usually use powdered so milk wasn't an issue for us ).
Apparently petrol is in short supply too, but we haven't needed it yet either. It is much worse up north however with no supplies getting through, I hope the roads open for everyone soon.

on a lighter note - this was in a fraser coast paper in response to someone suggesting people make their own bread - i still can't believe people aren't aware you can actually make it yourself

But I assume it comes out of the oven as one solid mass. How do you then cut it into slices?

really I kid you not

what more can I say after that

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