Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Mish Mash

as per title this post is a bit of a mish mash of happenings

so lets start with the most important - I am now mum to 6 little monkeys.

Sawyer Phoenix was born on 4/3/11 weighing 7 pound 13ounces - our smallest baby by a long shot. I am putting it down to a more stressful, difficult pregnancy but he is super healthy so who cares about the rest now

 He is just perfect and beautiful and I am so in love with this latest little miracle, and still feeling those little pangs of sadness that each day I will never again have a baby this age again. I think about it everyday but I do know in my heart it is the best decision for any number of reasons.

so now that I have introduced my little sausage man to you all i suppose I could update on some of the other things happening around this place.

The big one for me is finally after having moved 14 months ago now we have finally decided to make our departure from the Gold Coast permanent and sell the house. This was a very hard decision and we almost went back but at the end of the day the main we moved out of the city to have more financial freedom to allow me to stop working fulltime and give the kids a better life, those desires haven't changed so the only way to do that is to be away from there. Keep your fingers crossed the house sells for the right price and in turn we can buy what we want at a great price.

On a smaller scale with my goals for the year well hmmmm lets just say things have stalled a little

- my RAOK goal  - I have some catching up to do, my current tally is 2 but am looking to rectify that shortly

- decluttering goal - more catching up I think although I did just take a bag of 30 items of clothing to lifeline last week - that takes my total to 90 items and I do have a crapload of baby girls things to get rid of still!!!!!!

as far as my list of things I want to learn goes well I have done a lot of research into soap making and quilting so I am confident I will achieve those goals soon

and some gratuitous photos of the monkeys cos I can lol

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