Friday, May 6, 2011

one step forward......

10 steps backwards. Thats how I feel today, just when I saw it, that tiny glimmering, shiny light at the end of the tunnel, its gone and I am plunged back into darkness, alone, scared and just plain tired. I can't see my way out, I know its there somewhere - probably closer than I realise but still too far.. In reality if I am truly honest with myself I know what I should do, but for some reason I can't. I am changed,I will never be the same again, is that a good thing? The jury is still out, if it takes this experience to make me wake up to reality, to make me see the light then ok I can probably deal with it and come out the other side stronger, tougher and more myself than I have ever been but on the other hand its possible hell its even probable that I will do nothing, learn nothing and still be in the same place years from now moaning about my messed up life.

So what is the answer, the magical solution........I wish in knew.......

and oh Happy Mothers Day........yeah right!!!!!

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