Tuesday, December 7, 2010

new one

okay so this is my new blog......basically i needed ANOTHER outlet to express myself where some of my family, work people and the like can't see. Something just for me in other words to just blurt all the seriously crazy thoughts in my head out without having to edit myself for fear of what those reading will think.

Today was a seriously craptacular work day, one of those when you wonder why you bother and start dreaming of a different life. Who am I kidding I dream of not working EVERY day whether its a good or bad day at work.

My boss is THE most unprofessional woman I think I have ever met, days like today I seriously have to bite my tongue to stop me telling her exactly what i think. And it annoys me 10x more that she thinks she is pretty red hot and is actually helping the extrememly awful dynamics of our little office. I am finding it an extremely draining place to work, and this is a perfect example of the grass not being greener on the other side, but I think i will leave that story for another day

I can't believe how much I have changed, when I had my first couple of children I couldn't imagine not working at all, it was important to me. These days despite having a better paying, more responsible totally different line of work there is nothing I would like more than to be a fulltime SAHM.
I have decided that i would be happy to work 2 days or at a push 3, and then develop my own business of some type. I want to craft, garden, read books, finger paint, sew, knit etc etc etc, the list is endless until the cows come home.

more to come ..........

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